

Get to know more about the PheroMolCom Project in our newsletter!

  1. MolCom 2023

    Nikolaos Ntetsikas has presented our accepted paper entitled "Towards an end-to-end model for yeast cell communications using pheromones", on April 12th at the 7th Workshop on Molecular Communications at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen, Germany.

  2. NanoCom 2023

    Nikolaos Ntetsikas has presented our accepted paper entitled "Validation of Yeast Cell-to-Cell Communication Models with Experimental Data", on September 22nd at the ACM NanoCom 2023 at the University of Warrick, UK.

  3.  Nikolaos Ntetsikas has presented progress towards the development of an end-to-end model for yeast cell communications in the 7th Workshop on Molecular Communications" , Erlangen, Germany, 2023.

  4. Marios Lestas has presented the fundamental ideas and some initial results of the PheroMolCom project at the 6th Workshop on Molecular Communications, Warwick, 2022.

  5. Andreas Pitsillides delivered a talk on “Phero-MolCom: Molecular Communication based on Yeast Pheromone” on October 20th at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa.

  6. Nikolaos Ntetsikas has presented his latest results relevant to Phero-MolCom related activities, on November 30th at Frederick University as part of a workshop organized by Marios Lestas during the visit of Saher Javaid from JAIST Japan. 

  7. PheroMolCom Leaflet

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